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Airmega 300S

Airmega 300S

Category: Air Purifier
RM 123.00  / month
SKU#: Airmega 300S - Variant
This is for QA testing only
Combo Package
Combo Promotion
Home Delivery

Our Admin will contact you to make an appointment for delivery and installation upon order approval.

No Coverage Area for Mattress Installation:
Below are the areas where mattress installation is still unavailable:

Sabah: Ranau, Nabawan, Sipitang, Tenom, Kota Marudu, Kudat, Pitas, Sandakan (Kampung Tambisan, Ladang Segaliud & Ulu Dusun), Beluran, telupid, Tongod, Tawau (Brantian, Kalabakan & Check Point), Semporna Island
Sarawak: Belawai, Baram, Long Lama, Bintulu, Betong, Sri Aman, Limbanb, Kapit, Mukah

Coway reserves the right to accept or reject any Customer order if the product installation location is an ‘off-road’ / ‘block-area’ / islands (not accessible by car) as determined by Coway. If you are unsure whether your address falls under the above "No Coverage Areas", you may seek for assistance from any of our Coway Agents or submit an enquiry via Contact Us.

This is for QA testing only