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    1. Happy 15 Years Lucky Draw Contest (hereinafter referred to as the “Contest’’) is organised by Coway (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Organiser").
    2. The contest period is from 25th March 2021 to 24th May 2021 (both dates inclusive) (hereinafter referred to as the "Contest Period").
    3. Eligibility
        • Eligible Participants must purchase or rent at least one Coway product (“the Product(s)”) from the Organiser via Coway’s e-commerce platform or an authorised sales agent within the Contest Period and have the said Product(s) installed by the Organiser on or before 31st May 2021. The number of entries entitled depends on the type of Products that are purchased or rented, as follows:
    4. Participation Requirements
        • Eligible Participants must purchase or rent at least one Coway product (“the Product(s)”) from the Organiser via Coway’s e-commerce platform or an authorised sales agent within the Contest Period and have the said Product(s) installed by the Organiser on or before 31st May 2021. The number of entries entitled depends on the type of Products that are purchased or rented, as follows:

          * One (1) unit of Kecil WP/Bateri Bidet                                                              = 3 Entries

          * One (1) unit of Ombak WP/Lucy WP/ Inception WP/ Mattress                      = 2 Entries

          * One (1) unit of other Products (in the **Home Appliance Category)             = 1 Entry

          *The more units purchased or rented, the more entries the Eligible Participants are entitled to.

          **Home Appliance includes water purifier, air purifier, outdoor water filter, water softener, and bidet.

          Note: (i) WP refers to Water Purifier.

                    (ii) Multiple entries will be recognised based on the customer’s name on the Sales Order Form.

                   (iii)  Existing promotion combos are also applicable for the Contest
    5. Prizes
      • Fifteen (15) lucky winners (“Grand Prize Winners”) will receive Grand Prizes worth up to RM40,000-00 each, comprising:
          • 1x Dyson Hair Dryer, 1x Samsung 55” UHD TV, 1x Sony 3D Blu-Ray HTS, 1x Dyson Premium Vacuum Cleaner, 1x Bundle Ogawa Omknee 2.0 + Eye Touch Plus, 1x Tefal Premium Rice Cooker, 1x Electrolux 2 Door Fridge, 1x Samsung Convection Microwave Oven 35L and 1x Electrolux 8kg Washer Inverter (the colour/design of all appliances shall be pre-selected by the Organiser); and
          • Six (6) Coway products, consisting of 1x Queen Size Mattress, 1x Water Purifier, 2x Air Purifiers, 1x Battery Bidet and 1x Water Softener (the models of which shall be solely determined by Coway),(hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Grand Prize”.)
      • Consolation Prize x 15,000 pax: will receive a one (1) time Coway Mattress Care Service (cleaning services) for one (1) unit of mattress worth RM240-00 each.
      • The Organiser reserves the right at its absolute discretion to substitute any of the prizes with alternative prizes of similar value, at any time without prior notice. All prizes are given on an “as is” basis and are not exchangeable or traded in for cash, credit, other items and/or voucher in part or in full.
      • The Grand Prize does not include disposal or any costs incurred in respect thereof, of the Grand Prize Winners’ existing appliances or products.
      • The Grand Prize includes delivery and installation costs.
      • The Organiser shall not be held responsible or liable for any damage to the Grand Prize occurring in transit or during delivery and/or warranty period(s) (for appliances under Item 5.1(a) above), if applicable.
    6. Eligible Winners
      • The eligibility to win the Contest is on the condition that the Eligible Participants fully comply with the Terms and Conditions as stated herein.
      • Fifteen thousand fifteen (15,015) Eligible Participants will be randomly selected by the Organiser, whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding. Any correspondence pertaining to the decision made by the Organiser will not be entertained.
    7. Announcement of the Winners
      • Fifteen thousand fifteen (15,015) winners will be shortlisted by the Organiser’s database system on the first week of June 2021 and announced on the Organiser’s official Facebook page (Coway Malaysia) and Instagram page (@officialcowaymalaysia) on the second week of June 2021. All winners will be contacted via their mobile number, SMS or email provided.
      • The Organiser reserves the right to forfeit the prizes if the winners fail to respond to the Organiser’s message/email within three (3) days from the notification of winning, including weekends and public holidays.
      • The Grand Prize Winners are required to submit a Winner Acknowledgement Letter (to be furnished by the Organiser) within three (3) working days of receipt. In the event the Grand Prize Winner intends to appoint a representative to redeem the Grand Prize on his/her behalf, a letter of appointment together with a copy of the representative’s NRIC shall be attached with the said Winner Acknowledgement Letter when returned.
      • The Grand Prize Winners are required to produce proof of their identity during and prior to the redemption of the Grand Prize, for verification purposes. The only form of proof of identity accepted by the Organiser is his/her Malaysian Identity card. The Organiser has every right to disqualify the Grand Prize Winner should he/she fail to provide such proof of identity.
      • The Grand Prize (all items) will be delivered directly to the Grand Prize Winners’ premises where the Product(s) purchased or rented are installed.
      • The Consolation Prize must be redeemed by the winners within the period of 1st July 2021 to 30th September 2021 or such other period that the Organiser may determine, in its sole discretion. The schedule (time / date) for performance of the Coway Mattress Care Service is subject to a prior appointment being made based on the availability of the Organiser’s Homecare Technicians.
      • The Prize (all items) is (are) not transferable, refundable or exchangeable in any form for whatsoever.
      • The Grand Prize Winners will be required to appear in the pre, during, and post Contest related video(s) (interviews included) for promotional and marketing purposes that will be uploaded on the Organiser’s social media platforms.
    8. Enquiries

      For any enquiries regarding the Contest, you may contact the Organiser via the following methods:

    9. By participating in the Contest, the Eligible Participants agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained herein and all decisions made by the Organiser in respect of the Contest.
    10. By participating in the Contest, the Eligible Participants are deemed to have agreed and consented to the Organiser’s usage of his/her details including but not limited to names and any contents made, produced, provided and submitted towards the Contest participation.
    11. The Organiser shall not be held responsible in any way for delays, non-deliveries and/or interruptions of messages/emails sent or received and shall not be held liable for any unauthorised use of the Eligible Participants’ mobile phone(s) or email account(s) in conjunction with the Contest.
    12. The Organiser shall not be held responsible or liable for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction, unauthorised access to, or any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of e-mail on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet and/or websites.
    13. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any submission of entry made outside of the Contest Period, or without executing proper procedure of participation.
    14. The Organiser reserves the right to make any changes to the Contest including but not limited to cancelling the Contest or extending the Contest Period, replacing prizes with any other products of equivalent value at any time it deems fit, and alter the Terms and Conditions contained herein without prior notice. Any amendments made to these Terms and Conditions or updates on this Contest shall be published on the Organiser’s official Facebook page